Cathy Austin
Public Works Director/City Engineer
900 CTH PP, PO Box 277
Plymouth, Wisconsin 53073
Office Number
Telephone: 920-893-1471
Fax: 920-892-2760
Street Department: 920-892-4925
Plan to assist in evaluating compliance alternatives for future environmental regulations.
Plymouth, WI – The City of Plymouth recently adopted a city-wide stormwater management plan which was partially funded by an urban non-point sources and stormwater planning grant from the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources. The stormwater management plan will serve as a long-term planning tool for the City of Plymouth to address future stormwater regulations.
The City of Plymouth anticipates needing an NR 216 Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4) permit in the future, along with receiving water quality regulations as the result of the creation of the Northeast Lakeshore Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL).
For more information about the TMDL development process, please visit the DNR website at The planning tool will also assist the city in evaluating other phosphorous reduction initiatives as it relates to the wastewater treatment plant permit (WPDES). The stormwater management plan is a complement to other city planning documents such as the Comprehensive Plan. The stormwater management plan was developed with the assistance of McMahon & Associates, along with city staff. The plan development process took about a year to complete.
A pdf of the stormwater management plan is found below.