128 Smith Street
Plymouth, WI 53073
Office Number
Phone: 920-893-1271
Monday-Thursday: 7:30 AM - 4:00 pm
Fridays: 7:30 AM - Noon
You can always mail your payment to City Hall, 128 Smith St., Plymouth WI, 53073. You can place payment in the drop box outside City Hall, or pay them in person Monday - Thursday 10 AM - 2 PM and Friday 10 AM - Noon. Taxes can also be paid in the Bank First Lobby, 2700 Eastern Ave. Monday - Friday 8:30 AM - 4:00 PM.
Dates City Hall is Closed: 12/24/24, 12/25/24, 12/31/24 and 01/01/25
Dates Bank First is Closed: Starting at 11 AM on 12/24/24. All day 12/25/24, 01/01/25 and 01/20/25
You can pay by cash, check (made out to "City of Plymouth"), card in-person (service fees will apply), or online at (service fees will apply).
You can view tax bills on the Sheboygan County's Website
For all dog license renewals, you must show a rabies certificate, even if the vaccination date has not changed since last year.