Open House for Plymouth Downtown Design Strategy

Downtown Design Open House

An Open House for the Plymouth Downtown Design Strategy will be held on January 5, 2023 from 5:15 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. at the Plymouth Fire Department Emergency Operations Training Center (128 Smith Street, Plymouth, WO, 53073). A Plan Commission discussion of the Downtown Design Strategy will follow at 6:00 p.m. in City Hall Room 305.  The draft document and more information about the project can be found here:


The downtown design project is intended to help decision makers identify code amendments, policies, and programs to implement to ensure private development and redevelopment supports the community’s vision for the downtown area. This document encourages creativity and high-quality urban design while allowing for flexibility in standards. This project builds on past work including Plymouth’s 2002 Downtown Revitalization Master Plan and 2013 Downtown Design Guidelines.


The Bay-Lake Regional Planning Commission is currently working with the City of Plymouth's Downtown Design Ad-Hoc Committee to develop recommendations to support the look and feel of the community's downtown district.