WPS Downtown Project Info

IMPORTANT INFO FROM WPS: This City of Plymouth was notified this week that Wisconsin Public Service (WPS) will begin work next month to upgrade its natural gas system in and around downtown Plymouth. The project includes replacing a natural gas main and service lines along Mill Street from Caroline Street to east of North Street.

WPS is replacing the natural gas lines as part of its focus on ensuring it provides safe, reliable and affordable service to homes and businesses throughout the city. During construction, portions of the sidewalk and parking lane on the south side of Mill Street will be closed so work can be safely completed. WPS will be working with business owners and the City of Plymouth to maintain access to businesses on Mill Street throughout the project.

Property owners in and around downtown Plymouth will receive a letter with more information about the project. WPS expects to finish installing the new natural gas lines by the end of October.

WPS will work to avoid major event dates such as Mill Street Festival and Fallooza. As more information becomes available it will be shared.